District Of Columbia Healthy Family Insurance (SCHIP) Application Information

SCHIP is an initiative by the District of Columbia and the U.S federal government which aims to provide health insurance to needy families in the state of Columbia. The DC healthy Family Insurance program provides health coverage to children, pregnant women, and adolescents under the age of 19 who reside on their own other individuals who meet the specified eligibility requirements.

The DC healthy families program is an initiative jointly sponsored by the District of Columbia and the US federal governments. Other agencies that are involved in facilitating the program include:

  • The DC department of health
  • DC medical assistance administration
  • The department of Human services
  • Income maintenance administration

For one to be eligible for the program he or she needs to be below 19 years of age, a resident of the District of Columbia, a US citizen or legal alien. After meeting these requirements you can apply for the program after which your application is processed and in the event that it is successful you will become a member of the DC Healthy Families Insurance program (SCHIP)

The income range within which applicants must fall, ranges from $44,510 for a family of one to $116,670 for a family of 8. For families with more than 8 persons an additional $11,880 person is added. One may or not pay a premium for the health cover depending on his or her income, individuals in higher income brackets pay premiums while those in the lower brackets do not.

Some of the benefits provided by SCHIP include:

  • Emergency care
  • Eye care
  • Metal health services
  • Periodic doctor visits
  • Immunization services , and many others

Once you have successfully enrolled to the program, you are required to choose from three health plan options. These options are:

  • The Amerigroup corporation
  • The DC chattered health plan and
  • Health Right

Eligibility Requirements

For you to be eligible for the DC SCHIP program you must meet a set of specified requirements. These requirements are mainly related to nationality, residence age and income. The mainly eligibility requirements for SCHIP DC are highlighted below:

  • For one to be eligible for DC SCHIP he or she must be a resident of the District of Columbia. This requirement is important because SCHIP is a District of Columbia program, and it is targeted to benefit the residents of the District of Columbia.
  • One needs to a US national or a legal alien
  • The applicant must be below 19 years of age
  • The applicant must not be covered by any medical insurance. This includes MEDICAID./li>

Healthy Family Insurance Application Instructions

One can apply to the DC healthy family's insurance program by either submitting a physical appliation or filling an online form.

Physical Application

An application form can be obtained from any of the agencies that are involved in administering SCHIP such as the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the department of health. Once you have obtained an application form you should proceed to fill all the response fields provided and make copies of the relevant support document specified in the application. Once all this is done you should submit the application along with the necessary support documents via mail of by personally going to the various SCHIP agencies.

Contact Information:

Department of Health
825 North Capitol Street, NE
Washington, DC 2002
Phone: 202-442-5955

Online Application

For more convenience you can opt for the DC SCHIP online application. This is a simpler and more convenient way as you only need to go to the SCHIP website where you will find a link to the application portal.

Online application details are available by clicking here.

Application assistance can be obtained by calling department of Health Services during working hours. This is very helpful as you will get the chance to speak to a member of staff who has knowledge of the application process. This member of staff will give you advice on how to proceed with the application process.